

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Father's Day 2003

Today is Father’s Day and many of us ask ourselves what is a good father? Obviously, children do not come with an instruction manual and therefore both mothers and fathers often learn parenting skills during the process of being parented. Unfortunately, if an individual’s parents lack the knowledge or motivation to be effective parents, then these skills are not passed on from one generation to the next.

In our culture, there seems to be a lot written about being a good mother, but the father’s role in parenting is less frequently addressed. Today, I would like to discuss some of my thoughts on the things that a father should teach his children during their formative years.

A father recognizes that being an effective father starts by being an effective husband. The relationship that a man has with his spouse shapes the communication patterns within the whole family.
A father is a role model of love and leadership in the family. His unconditional love is demonstrated both verbally and physically. His leadership in the family provides stability and direction. In partnership with his wife, he is able to make the family unit a pillar of strength in today’s often chaotic world.
A father is a man who prioritizes his life so that his wife and children come before his work, hobbies, and relationship with all other people. This essential characteristic makes it possible for the father to set boundaries and limits when other people and/or things challenge the healthy family unit.
A father is a man who makes commitment and accountability cornerstones in his life.
A father is unwavering in his focus on teaching his children the moral principals and values that will enable them to conduct their lives in a fashion that will gain the respect of their friends, family and society around him.
A father recognizes that he is responsible for the choices that he makes in life. In turn, he teaches this very important principle to his children.

Finally, a father is a man who recognizes that being a good father is a gift, an
opportunity, and a responsibility. If you are a father, enjoy this special day.

Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D. Copyright 2003

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