

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Loss of hearing can be very frustrating

Loss of hearing can be very frustrating

As he left the movie theater with his wife and several friends, he nodded affirmatively as the group talked about how much they had enjoyed the movie. The truth was, however, he had not enjoyed the movie much at all because he failed to understand many of the words spoken by the women and children actors. On his way home, he narrowly avoided an automobile accident because he failed to hear another driver honking at him. Finally, he realized that the argument he had with his teenage daughter just before bedtime was due to his making some false assumptions as a result of not hearing what she told him earlier in the evening.

This 45 year old baby boomer is one of an estimated 28 million Americans suffering from hearing loss. The source of this individual’s hearing loss came from a combination of factors. A genetic pre-disposition from his mother’s side of the family. Too many rock concerts, jet ski’s and shotgun discharges while hunting – all occurring early in his life and, finally, the fact that he was suffering from presbycusis, age – related hearing loss. His difficulty in hearing was one of the most common, high frequency type hearing losses that make it difficult to understand women and children who speak in higher tones.

Unfortunately, many individuals with hearing loss begin to develop associated psychological problems. Some of these include the following:

• Suspicion and paranoia. The hearing impaired individual may begin to feel that other people get angry and frustrated with him for no apparent reason. He may even perceive that the conversations of other people, which he cannot hear, relates to him. In worst case scenarios an individual may feel that people are plotting against him or “out to get him”.

• Isolation. Hearing impaired individuals often withdraw from participation in conversations with friends, family and co-workers and, as a result, spend much of their time daydreaming. In cases of those who work outside the home, hearing loss may interfere with job performance. This often results in feelings of incompetence and isolation. Older, hearing impaired individuals at home, often quit answering the phone or initiating telephone conversations because of difficulty in hearing.

• Sadness. A natural response to a loss of any kind is sadness and this certainly holds true for hearing loss. The individual, the family and friends may feel sadness. Prolonged sadness and grief can detract from meaningful relationships and lead to other problems.

• Stress and fatigue. Many hearing impaired individuals begin to strain in order to attempt to increase hearing and understanding. They may begin lip reading, continuously leaning forward in conversations, constantly readjusting the position and direction of their body in order to hear better, etc. All of these things take effort and an expenditure of energy. Over time this can lead to fatigue and produces stress.

Next week I will continue my discussion of hearing loss.

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