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Mental Fitness Important to Well-being

Becoming and remaining physically fit has many benefits. Most experts agree that a physically fit person has increased stamina and energy and can better endure physical stress. However, achieving and maintaining physical fitness requires a concerted effort.

Paralleling physical fitness is mental fitness, which is often overlooked. Like physical fitness, being mentally fit makes it possible to meet tough challenges, cope with mental pressures, deal more effectively with disappointment and view the world with enthusiasm and optimism. Mentally fit individuals enjoy life more and are more enjoyable to live with. Following are ways people can benefit from mental fitness.

• Just as physical fitness requires using muscles, mental fitness requires the use of the mind. A couch potato becomes soft and weak; a mental marshmallow becomes dull and inept.

Mental stimulation can be accomplished through a variety of techniques, with active involvement being preferred over passive observation. Reading, creative endeavors, conversing with others about challenging topics are a few examples. Working a crossword puzzle, teaching a class, helping your children with their homework, the possibilities are endless.

Instead of only seeking to be entertained, effective problem solvers use their minds regularly. Rather than accepting the world as others present it to them, they seek opportunities to examine things from several perspectives.

• A physical fit body is better able to accept physical strain. Well-conditioned athletes accept strain as part of the game and become stronger as their efforts continue over time. Mental fitness enables one to deal with emotional jabs, such as disappointment and undeserved criticism. Instead of personalizing an unkind or petty remark, the mentally fit consider the source and recognize that those remarks or actions often emanate from a defective self-concept. Strength can be gained by feeling compassion for those who are emotionally less fit.

• Mental fitness can be greatly enhanced by developing the ability to laugh at one’s self. Rather than harshly criticizing one’s imperfections, accept one’s humanness. It is unrealistic, egotistical, and even arrogant to think you can’t make a mistake. Those who really matter will accept your less-than-perfect attempts with warm affection.

• Quit thinking you can and should fix everything. A friend once told me he sees himself as much more like a clock repairman. Some clocks brought to him he can fix and make them run like new; some he can partially repair. Others he can’t fix at all and he tells the owner so. He reminds himself that he didn’t break the clocks in the first place. Mentally fit individuals recognize their own limitations and don’t erroneously assume sweeping responsibility.

• Be willing to take some risks. Shy individuals often fear rejection; reluctant entrepreneurs may by hypersensitive to failure; would-be entertainer may never attempt a performance out of concern of looking foolish.

Start with a small risk; increase your tolerance as success begins. Vow not to quit if at first you don’t succeed. Keep trying. Nobody starts at the top.

Copyright © 1992 Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D.

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