

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Older Adults Month

Older Adults Month

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

I am in the first and oldest wave of baby boomers that turned 60 this year. To many people I am an older American although I don’t consider myself old. One of the many things I hope to accomplish during my second half of life is help combat ageism, the deep and often unconscious prejudice against older people. I resent being referred to as a blue hair, geezer, old-foggy or recycled teenager.

Since May is older American’s month, permit me to get as few things off my chest about getting older and perhaps help dispel a few myths about aging.

In order to get everybody’s attention, let me first say that many older people can and do enjoy sex. My hormones may be in shorter supply as compared to younger years, but I can still experience passion with the best of them. It’s my business when I want to be put out to pasture in the sex department so don’t try to tell me how I should think, feel or behave in the bedroom.

When you talk to me don’t think that you have to talk slowly, use short sentences and shout. My vocabulary is better than it ever was and may be better than yours. If you want to drag your words out fine, but don’t do so on my behalf and, if I can’t hear you, I’ll ask you to speak up.

Just because I forget a few names don’t assume that I have full-blown dementia. If you think I can’t remember my birthday, anniversary, or when you last told me you love me, dream on. Remember that two can play the “I forgot” game.

Don’t think that you can sell me the Brooklyn Bridge because I’m not the sharpest tack around anymore. I can spot a snake oil salesman as well as anyone else and by the way, just because I’m older don’t think I can be bullied around.

I’m not ashamed of my age but don’t ask me how old I am unless you are my doctor or have a carefully thought out reason for doing so.

Please help all of us older Americans feel good about our contributions to this great country and we will try to drive in the slow lane when it’s appropriate.

-A reader in North Carolina

Dear reader:

Very well said.
-Hap LeCrone

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