

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Spring is time to leap forward

Spring is here in Central Texas. Trees are budding, bulbs are blooming, blades of grass are poking through the earth and the weeds are jumping. If you are like most people you are either ready for a change or are slipping into the doldrums.

A touch of spring fever, as they say.

If you enjoy a change of seasons and a variation of the climate, you may take advantage of the sunshine and warmth and head for the lake, fishing pole in hand. Or you may be in the yard, planting, raking and seeking a garden. Perhaps your family likes to camp and you have packed the necessary gear and tried a new camping ground. Remember that schools established a spring vacation to ease the student’s mind and body before thoughts of playing hooky arose. Just as a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love, the spring days are a shot in the arm, an urge to get up and move around.

But not so if you are a bear not wanting to end your hibernation. Sluggish as you are, you need a nudge to push you out of your winter’s cocoon, your security chamber. Like the tonic of your grandparents, you may need a little sulphur and molasses to get the blood flowing faster and ready for activity.

Spring is the time to put on a new outfit, to redress yourself. If you are in a rut and unwilling to refurbish your wardrobe, you may need to think about who you are and what you want to be. You need to get in tune with the season and out of the syndrome that is robbing you of enthusiasm and energy.

As you analyze your lifestyle and inventory your thoughts and attitudes you may discover the reasons for your complacency.
You may find that a change of attitude is all that hinders your progress.
You may find you fear change.

Make a list of what you want to accomplish this spring, by the spring of next year and five years from now.

What needs to be changed to make these goals a reality?
What makes you happy?
What makes you unhappy?
What is important to your family?
What are you going to do about it?

After you have constructed your plan of action, establish your support system. Who is going to help you make these changes?

Find a role model. Think about a friend who has altered his/her life who would advise you, listen to you and be your confidant. If you have a situation that requires professional expertise or counseling, seek out the best to help you deal with your problem.
Remember that although some conditions cannot be eradicated, such as elimination of an illness, a handicap or the care of someone with such a chronic condition, there are always measures that will make the situation more manageable and lessen the severity of the task for you.

Just because you have tried before and been unsuccessful, take steps this spring to refocus, gain new momentum and leap forward. Improve your lifestyle. Make your life a little happier. That’s what spring fever is for.

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