

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Trust me, a list makes shopping easier

Okay, I’ll admit it. One of the things I find most stressful about the holidays is having to shop. I think that most men will admit that shopping is fairly low on their list of preferred activities. At least shopping for things like Christmas presents in places like crowded malls. The following are problems for most men:

Being body to body without the pay off of finally being able to watch a sporting event.
Being overpowered by noise in enclosed places, when it’s not for the purpose of cheering for your favorite team.
Standing in long lines without the end result of obtaining nachos and your favorite beverage at half time.

Most men would opt for a root canal if given the choice between the dentist chair and a Saturday spent shopping before the holidays. I don’t believe the issue is spending the money but instead facing the prospect of so many choices and having to sort through the options.

Several years ago my wife and daughter drug me into a small specialty shop one Saturday to look for a present when I discovered that for me at least not all shopping had to be excruciatingly painful. It was quiet, easy to get into, not crowded, smelled good, and contained choices without leaving me with the feeling of being in an expensive flea market. To this day I’m still not sure why it’s called the Paper Bear but next to buying off the internet, it makes shopping tolerable for me.

Other suggestions for men who hate to shop may include:

Have your spouse or other family member (who we assume likes to shop) pick out gifts at a number of different stores and give you a list. You can then choose from this list and with relative ease make your purchases. With a long enough list, the element of surprise is maintained.
Don’t forget the wonderful combo of the catalog, a credit card and a 1-800 number.
If you have a daughter who is old enough to drive, let her pick out things that she thinks will please your spouse. (This is assuming she likes to shop.)
When all else fails, if you can afford it, go out and buy your spouse a new car, an expensive piece of jewelry or a vacation in an exotic location (note: in most cases, you must include yourself in this for it to be meaningful.)

Men, good luck to you and remember, Christmas only comes once a year.

Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D. Copyright 1999

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