

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

A Memorial To The Loss Of A Pet

A Memorial To The Loss Of A Pet

Intense grief over the loss of a pet is normal. Don’t believe anyone who says your pet’s death is just an animal’s death and grieving over the loss of your pet is stupid, childish, overly sentimental or crazy.

A pet is often considered a member of the family, and its death produces feelings akin to losing a family member. Having to euthanize a pet also intensifies the feelings of loss.

Recently, our son, Adam, and his family suffered the loss of their pet, a golden retriever named Libby. Libby suffered from terminal cancer, and the whole family — Adam, his wife, Laura, their 13-year-old daughter, Caroline, and their 11-year-old, son, Jack — made the decision to put her down.

In response to their loss, Adam wrote the following memorial to Libby, which, with Adam’s permission, I want to share with you.

“I woke up this morning hearing a gentle rain outside our bedroom window. Immediately the thought came to my mind, they must be crying in Heaven also. Was it tears of joy or sorrow? I then thought, Heaven got lucky yesterday when our loving family member, Libby, came to see them.

Monday, at our Bible study, we learned that John 15 ends with the command ‘above all love one another.’ Libby personified this command the minute she woke up each day. What is unconditional love? Just look to Libby. She would greet you with a smile no matter the circumstance. No matter who you were — Libby loved you. No matter how old or young — Libby loved you. Happy or sad — Libby loved you. Tired or grumpy — Libby loved you. Healthy or sick — Libby loved you. Libby never ran out of love for anyone.

It says in Philippians, ‘Let your gentleness be evident to all.’ That was Libby. Its also says in Philippians to strive for, ‘Whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, and whatever is admirable.’ Libby didn’t have to strive as she had these attributes from the minute she came into our home eight years ago.

Libby did not have an unkind bone in her body. If the world would live life like Libby lived her very short life — then we could have Heaven on Earth.

It has stopped raining now. The tears from Heaven must be that of joy because they got a great one when Libby came yesterday.”

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