

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.


Dear Dr. LeCrone:

I will be graduating soon and I am having mixed emotions. I feel as if I am finally ready to be fully independent yet at the same time I am apprehensive, even anxious, about beginning a new life in the “real world.” Do you have any psychological tips for graduates that might help me?

Dear Upcoming Graduate:

Let me first congratulate you on your great accomplishment! Completing a degree is no small feat and you should be proud of your academic achievements. In response to your concern, many graduates find that they are indeed at a crossroads in life which certainly can invoke anxiety and apprehension. Graduates find that they are entering a whole new world- one filled with responsibilities and new experiences.

The following are some suggestions for upcoming graduates to ponder as they embark toward new horizons whether in the workplace or in higher education:

Set new goals. Your new boss or college advisor may have many ideas in mind on how you should plan your career, but remember it is your life!

Spend time truly reflecting on your strengths and areas of needed growth in order to assess what goals you wish to achieve.

Stay focused and listen to what the desires of your heart are saying to you.

Stay balanced in your life. With deadlines and expectations from employers or professors, you are going to feel under pressure at times. Avoid becoming over-stressed by taking a step back from your work and taking a deep breath. A healthy diet and regular exercise are also good stress busters. Try your best to maintain a balance between work and play.

Try new things. You may not like every aspect of your job or your academic coursework but try to find new ways to enjoy this time in your life. Pick a new hobby or plan a series of personal “adventures” that stretch outside of your normal comfort zone. Meet people that challenge you to think about life in new ways and spend time using your creative talents.

Be flexible. Life is a series of ups and downs, twists and turns. Turn roadblocks into opportunities for change and keep in mind that your current job or situation may open doors to something much more satisfying. Don’t become discouraged by occasional failure but instead visualize your success.

Best wishes and good luck to all of this month’s graduates.

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